The November 12th, 2024 annual meeting did not meet Quorum and as stated in Calvert Glen’s By-Laws, Article V, Section 1 and 4, we require a subsequent meeting to vote and finalize items.
The subsequent meeting will be held via Zoom on December 15th, 7:00PM. The meeting link details are:
Zoom meeting: or dial: (US) +1 657-233-0213 PIN: 510 958 842#
In addition, a link to the zoom meeting will be posted on Facebook closer to the meeting date.
The packet of materials for the meeting is here:
HOA Zoom Meeting Etiquette
The following standard online meeting etiquette will be implemented during the meeting:
- Hostile members will be muted and warned. After 3 warnings, members will remain muted. Additional concerns may be emailed to the Board and discussed offline.
- Members have a maximum of 5 minutes to speak on any one subject in discussion.
- Members will be muted at the start and stay muted until recognized to speak by the moderator.
- Speakers will be unmuted by the moderator in order of “raised” hand to speak and ask questions etc.
- Keep conversation/questions focused on items of discussion, unless it is “New Business” or “Open Forum.”
Agenda for Meeting
- Roll call and determination of quorum and agenda
- Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice
- Reading of the Minutes of the preceding meeting
- Reports of officers/committee
- Elections of Board- Open Positions: President, Secretary, Vice President, Board Members, ACC member
- Old Business
- New Business
- Vacancies in HOA will lead to undermanagement
- Holiday Lights Contest